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Sunday, 11 December 2011

PhotoBie (Photo Editing)

Photobie adalah sebuah perangkat lunak bebas untuk mengedit foto, scrapbooking, membuat animasi dengan berbagai expresi untuk menjadikan sebuah karya seni yang indah. Software ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang hoby mengedit foto atau membuat foto/gambar animasi keren, gambar lucu dan unik.

Jika Anda belum begitu mahir mengedit foto atau gambar menggunakan PhotoShop, software photo editing  photobie merupakan salah satu alternatif terbaik pengganti photoshop yang sangat mudah digunakan. Karena fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam software ini hampir mirip dengan photoshop. Berikut adalah fitur-fitur yang tersedia pada PhotoBie software editing photo:
  1. Photo Image editing
    a. Cropping, Copy, Paste, Color adjustment, Rotate/Flip
    b. Basic to advanced color adjustment
    c. Painting tools: pen, shape draw fill, airbrush, eraser, line/curve with arrows, smudge etc.
    d. Text tool: you can Create text with various textures, patterns, gradients, shadings, fonts,etc.
    e. Color Palettes: simple color ring, customized color palette
    f. Region tools: rectangle, round rectangle, oval, polygon, freehand, fuzzy magic wand.
  2. Advanced Layer support.
    a. You can clone/copy/paste a layer or multiple layers and you can shuffle layers easily.
    b. You can merge layers with/without keeping original layers.
    c. You can use automatic layer generation to generate a new layer whenever you do some
    paint action to the image. Note: this is the Photobie default.
  3. Photoshop filter plug-in support
    a. You can leverage thousands of free Photoshop .8bf filter plug-ins to achieve special effects.
    b. You can manage your .8bf plug-ins easily with our robust Plugin Manager
  4. Photo image browser
    a. You can open all images or selected images within a directory and browse them easily within the Photobie image browser
    b. You can open up to 8 directories and you switch Between them easily
    c. You can do Batch rotate/resize
    d. You can import them into main editing window
    e. You can start a full screen slide show.
Free Download PhotoBie